Windspiel Botanicals 2 HEADER
GIN Windspiel MAphoto credit (above): Tom Seelbach.

A good drop of gin has to draw attention  to itself from far – This is our ginspiration for the weekend.

Not every Gin is the same and Windspiel is definitely different. As a matter of fact, it is the first German Gin which is based on potatoes. Yes potatoes!

But it’s not just an ordinary vegetable that makes its way into the bottle. It’s the potatoes from the Eifel grown in volcanic soil especially for the purpose. Combined with classic juniper berries, lavender and coriander, Windspiel incorporates the classic gin aroma with a delicate mildness. Ginger root, cinnamon bark and lemon peel as well as other botanicals give the gin its special character.

According to its name, the bottle appears in a sleek shape, getting thinner towards the bottom. Similarly, the Tonic Water is visually in a good shape. The Greyhound (Windspiel in German) on the label represents a dynamic and ambitious breed and also mirrors the elegant and complex qualities of the Gin. Suitably, the bottle neck is endowed with a gold coloured ring which carries two thin paper labels. On top pf that the seal is endowed with a thread which may whirl around freely. Thus, if you choose a Windspiel, you choose a lifestyle, a sophisticated fashion and eventually pure indulgence.



PACKAGING: Elegant bottle with some nice features

SPECIALTIES & FINISHING: Ring, labels and thread

LAYOUT: A greyhound illustration representing the complexity of the product

Windspiel Premium Dry Gin MAX
Windspiel Moodbild MAX
Windspiel Gin Tonic MAX