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Living life in a superlative world: Shamelessly, we carry things to extremes these days. Again and again we throw with big words and great ideas around us. Everything is splendid, super fantastic or even more than perfect. We live in an absolute super-  … no hyperlative fantasy!

With that in mind, we don’t want to spare with compliments when it comes to our next product presentation, and we want to shout it out loud so that everybody can hear: The most super-duper Superfood has emerged in front of us in an overwhelming look, when we were visiting this charming little café around the corner. With its amusing design Berlin Organic visualises which superpowers will be administered once you pour the superfood mix in your smoothie, porridge or cocoa something. The Superfood-Mix comes in a convolute can with an uncoated paper to underline a natural and healthy look... baby, we like your style.



PRINT & FINISHING: Uncoated paper emphasizes a natural look
LAYOUT: Animal illustrations (a panda as calm anchor, a swan as beauty queen, ...) embody the different features of the product

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